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Artists Civic Theatre & Studio, Inc. is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization committed to bringing theatre to the citizens of Southwest Louisiana. Our mission is also part of our name, as ACTS also stands for the Adults, Children, Teens, and Seniors of our community! We hope you can join us for one of our upcoming productions, either in the audience, behind the scenes, or on stage!

How ACTS Got One Reid Street...

In 1982, the director saw this building while out searching for a location for ACTS. It was a matter of finding out how the building could possibly house all the needs which ACTS continues to have.

The director brought the board down to see the building one at a time between August and September 1982. While performing on the McNeese Auditorium stage with FIDDLER ON THE ROOF, the theatre decided that it would be lucky to have the space for its use. By this time ACTS has had three women presidents, Pat Serice, Dottie Parmiter, and Billie Woodard. ACTS had been using spaces on Third Avenue, Ryan Street, and the Theriot's building, which was full of debris, broken doors, and trash from not having been used by anyone other than a rock group for rehearsals.

A small group of persons consisting of the director, Courtney Stein, Dottie Parmiter, Krause Wilson, Ruth Peloquin, Tracey Peloquin, Paige Harkins and a few others cleared the building of debris, washed the walls and got the building ready for others to see. In June of 1983, the theatre held its Homestead ACTS where the theatre was open to the general public for viewing.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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