Battle of Richmond Visitor Center
The new Battle of Richmond Visitors Center, located at 101 Battlefield Memorial Highway (intersection of US 25 and 421 south of Richmond), gives not only Civil War buffs but even the casual visitor an excellent overview and learning experience about the important American Civil War Battle of Richmond, Kentucky, fought on August 29 & 30, 1862. The Battle of Richmond is the second largest Civil War battle fought in Kentucky.
The center, housed in the historic 1811 Rogers House, is like no other Civil War Visitors Center in the nation. A one-of-a-kind laser guided topographical map gives guests a bird's eye view of the battlefield, showing troops' movements, important buildings and homes of the period. A locally produced documentary film displays, and artifacts found on the battlefield complete this unique experience.
The Battle of Richmond witnessed the most complete victory one side had over the other during the entire Civil War. The Confederates, under Major General Edmund Kirby Smith and Brig. General Patrick Cleburne, routed the Federal forces under Major General William "Bull" Nelson, in three separate engagements spanning nearly the entire length of Madison County. The Federal forces "ceased to exist" when the battle ended. The Confederates went on to capture Lexington and Frankfort, the only time a Federal state capital fell during the entire war.
The Battle of Richmond Visitors Center is ½ mile north of the historic Mt. Zion Church and one mile north of Richmond Battlefield Park.
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