Burlington Bike Path

- We manage 37 parks and facilities comprised of over 550 acres of land.
- We have a $5.0 million annual operating budget for fiscal year 2011, of which $3.85 million is derived from fees and charges that we collect.
- We have 40 full time permanent staff and over 300 part time and seasonal employees.
- We produce four large scale community special events each year.
- We care for 12,000 trees along city streets and in city parks.
- We host over 200 events in our parks that are produced by others.
- We manage marina facilities that include 200 boat slips and over 60 moorings.
- We operate an ice arena that offers 60 different skating programs, hosts four high school hockey teams and provides skating opportunities to numerous other groups during an eleven month operation each year.
- We oversee seven community garden sites consisting of 400 individual plots that are rented to the public.
- We operate a full service campground with 137 sites.
- We serve up to 400 children daily with an after school child care program at four sites.
- We maintain an eight mile long waterfront bike path.
- We manage the Conservation Legacy Program which promotes the acquisition, management, protection and enhancement of significant natural areas, and other important conservation lands within the City of Burlington
- We offer over 200 individual recreation programs throughout the year serving preschool ages, youth, adults and seniors.
- We manage three public beaches and a fishing pier on Lake Champlain.
- We provide a facility for skateboarding, rollerblading and biking.
- We manage the three City-owned cemeteries - Lakeview, Greenmount and Elmwood.
- We maintain City owned facilities, including Memorial Auditorium, City Hall, the Firehouse Gallery, and the Miller Community Recreation Center.
The mission of the Burlington Parks and Recreation Department is to enhance quality of life of all the citizens of Burlington and for the visitors to our community in the following ways:
- By acquiring, developing and maintaining a system of parks which offers a broad spectrum of built facilities and open spaces.
- By providing high quality, affordable recreation programs which meet the needs of all segments of the community.
- By regulating and managing public trees and property along city streets in an effort to create attractive greenspace.
- By managing the Burlington harbor and providing the necessary facilities to ensure safe and pleasurable water-based recreation opportunities.
Americans With Disabilities Act: The programs, activities and services of the Burlington Parks and Recreation programs are subject to all applicable laws regarding nondiscrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). The ADA prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability. Every effort will be made in recreation programs, activities and services to enable participation by an individual with a disability. To help us make accommodations, please contact our office a minimum of two weeks prior to the start of any program. For more information, please call 864-0123 (voice) or 863-0450 (TTY).
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