Cactus Jack's Trail Rides

Cactus Jack's offers trail rides to singles, couples, or groups. All rides are guided to assure safety for rider and horse. There are trails through the Florida Horse Park and into the Cross Florida Greenway Trail system. Most trails are shaded and quite scenic. This is a very relaxing and fun experience.
Debbie Zito has owned and loved horses for over 48 years. She and husband Jamie are both riders and own quite a few rescued or retired horses as well as the trail horses used for this ride. We take pride in the care given our animals. We both believe that horses enjoy having a job to do if they are healthy and fit.
Our horses are gentle and friendly. They llike people and enjoy their job. We take excellent care of them and in return they will take excellent care of you.
Greg has had a lifetime involvement with horses including over 30 years experience in the sport of Polocrosse, beginning in his native country of New Zealand. He moved to the United States in 1995 to pursue a coaching and horse training career with the Santa Fe Polocrosse Club. Greg has lived and trained horses, in a variety of disciplines, all over the United States and currently resides at Charlie Horse Ranch in Summerfield, Florida where he acts as the Head Coach for Charlie Horse Polocrosse and works as a horse trainer specializing in young horse development.
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