Camden Park

For more than 100 years Camden Park has been the destination of choice for family fun! Join us for another unforgettable season of rides, games, fireworks, concerts and special events.
Camden Park is owned by the Boylin Family. This is the second generation of Boylin's owning and operating WV's only amusement park. J. P. Boylin transformed Camden Park from a carousel at the end of a trolly line in Huntington, WV to an amusement park for families of all ages in 1950.
By the late 19th century almost every large town in America had streetcars and many had parks to boost weekend and holiday traffic. Originally developed as a picnic area by the Camden Interstate Railway in 1903 Camden Park has survived into the 21st century as a thriving traditional amusement park.
Over the years Camden Park has been the setting for baseball games, tens of thousands of picnics, fairs, marathon dances, roller derbies, flagpole sitting, a swimming pool, a zoo, plus numerous attractions and rides.
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