Gifts and Products for Men

Camp Cullom

Camp Cullom offers a multitide of activities for old and young alike.

We have camping, hiking, a Nature Center, a Lodge, a 24-hole disc golf course, a play ground, and a world-class observatory.

Sledding and skiing on the hill are ABSOLUTELY FORBIDDEN.

Visit our Services page to learn the details of available activities.

Our History

Camp Cullom started in 1941 as a Girl Scout camp due largely to the generosity of the George C. Cullom family. In 1947, the Girl Scouts invited the Boy Scouts to join them in operating the camp. The result was a trust agreement transferring ownership and management of Camp George C. Cullom and forming Clinton County Foundation for Youth in June of 1947.

Clinton County Foundation for Youth

The Clinton County Foundation for Youth's mission is to maintain the camp for the use of non-profit, charitable, and character building youth groups of Clinton County. It manages the camp's resources for quality environmental education, and recreational activities on behalf of the boys and girls of Clinton County.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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