Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County

What's available:
Art prints. These are available for loan for a three month period. The library has a very nice selection of prints, displayed near the fountain and along the 2nd floor hallway.
Audio visual collection. The library has a collection of books on audiocassette, music compact discs, videocassettes, books on CD and DVDs for loan.
Children's programming. Story hours and special programming are offered for the children. Click here for the department newsletter.
Computers. The library has over 30 computers available for patron use. These provide access to our catalog, the Internet, online database resources, word processing and other types of software, and a wide variety of educational CD-ROMs for children.
Mission Statement
In support of its mission as a public service institution, the Carnegie Public Library of Steuben County is concerned with education, information, entertainment, and cultural enrichment of the community it serves. The Library acquires and makes available for public use the largest, highest quality and widest range of materials and programs which its resources will permit.
Brief History:
The Ladies Library Association was established in 1895 with 125 members. Our current library was organized in 1914 and dedicated in 1915. Andrew Carnegie donated $10,000 for the building, and the Ladies Library Association contributed between 1,400 and 1,500 books. Additions to the Carnegie building were built in 1989 and 2004. The library currently houses over 65,000 volumes and is automated for better use of the collection.
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