Cherokee National Forest

The Cherokee National Forest is your destination for outdoor recreation. Enjoy a scenic drive through the mountains, the pursuit of wildlife, the thrill of whitewater, a night under the stars, or solitude on a backcountry trail.
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The Cherokee National Forest is located in Eastern Tennessee and stretches from Chattanooga to Bristol along the North Carolina border. The 650,000-acre forest is the largest tract of public land in Tennessee. It lies in the heart of the Southern Appalachian mountain range, one of the world's most diverse areas. These mountains are home to more than 20,000 species of plants and animals. Each year millions of people visit Tennessee's Cherokee National Forest. It is a place of scenic beauty that provides opportunities for anyone interested in nature and history.
National forests are lands of many uses. The original purpose for their creation was to protect water quality and provide a continuous supply of timber. Today the national forest mission includes outdoor recreation, wildlife and fish habitat, wilderness, water quality, minerals, wood products, and much more.
Our motto is caring for the land and serving people. Caring for your national forests requires the dedication and hard work of a diverse and highly skilled workforce. Forestry, biology, botany, recreation, planning, engineering, geology, hydrology, realty, computer technology, human resource management, landscape architecture and accounting are among the fields of expertise employed by the USDA Forest Service. Each of the land mangers and resource specialists ensure resources are cared for so future generations can also enjoy and value our national forests.
Visitors come to explore the more than 600 miles of trails including 150 miles of the Appalachian National Scenic Trail, hundreds of miles of cold water streams, 7 whitewater rivers, 3 large lakes managed by the Tennessee Valley Authority, 11 congressionally designated Wilderness areas, 30 developed campgrounds, 45 developed day-use sites and the abundant populations of wildlife. The national forest provides habitat for 43 species of mammals, 154 species of fish, 55 species of amphibians and 262 species of birds.
Enjoy your visit. Please do your part to conserve these exceptional places.
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