Clark County Historical Society at the Heritage Center
Founded in 1897, for over a century the Clark County Historical Society has collected, preserved and displayed the history of the area. Over the years, the Society has had a number of different locations, but for more than ten years they have been proud and honored to have found a beautiful permanent home in downtown Springfield in the old City Hall and Marketplace, which was built in 1890. Today the Heritage Center of Clark County stands tall on the Springfield skyline as the home of Clark County's heritage, where priceless mementos open a window on many generations of history.
Mission & Goals
The Society's Mission
The Mission of the Clark County Historical Society is to collect, preserve and interpret resources which provide understanding and appreciation of Clark County's heritage, and to relate the community's past to the present and its future.
The Society's Goals
To acquire and maintain facilities, and use professional methods and standards for the continued collection and preservation of Clark County's historic resources.
To use professional methods and standards for the development and promotion of educational programs which authentically interpret the heritage of Clark County.
To encourage research and publications based on the Historical Society's collections.
To maintain an Operating Policies Manual detailing ethical, legal, and professional responsibilities and standards for trustees, members, and personnel. These written policies to include, but are not limited to, the following subjects: collections and preservation, financial operations, personnel, facility acquisition and management, and program development.
To seek appropriate funding, develop and monitor short- and long-range plans, appoint working committees, promote community involvement through outreach programs and promotion, and employ adequate professional staff necessary for the continuance and growth of the institution, its mission, and its service to the community.
Purpose of the Clark County Heritage Center
The purpose of the Clark County Heritage Center is to collect, preserve, and interpret objects that emphasize the uniqueness of Springfield and Clark County. The facility shall have the capacity to professionally maintain and conserve existing and future collections, and to conduct exhibitions and educational programs.
It shall be an accessible, inviting, and stimulating centerpiece of the community, helping people discover and appreciate who they are, where they came from, and their roles in developing the future of Springfield and Clark County.
The audience for the Heritage Center is the population of Clark County with a particular, but not inclusive, emphasis upon residents of school age.
The objective is to tell the story of the Clark County area and how it reflects the history of the Ohio frontier. A secondary audience would be any persons from outside the Clark County area whose historical interests can be served by the collections and services designed for the primary audience.
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