Combat Air Museum

The Combat Air Museum was organized in the Fall of 1976 as a wing of David Tallichet's Yesterday's Air Force. The group was chartered in April 1977 as Yesterday's Air Force Kansas. The founding group's interest was aroused by the declining number of WWII operable aircraft.Originally, the core of the display was aircraft from the Yesterday's Air Force large collection of dynamic historical aircraft. Most notable was the crown jewel of this collection, the B-24J Liberator bomber, the only one flying in the world at that time.In the beginning, aircraft and memorablia were displayed under an agreement whereby volunteers from the local group would restore and maintain Yesterday's Air Force aircraft in return for the privilege of displaying them.
In 1979, the group reorganized under the name of Combat Air Museum and relocated to hangar #602 at Forbes Field.
The Society is incorporated under the laws of the State of Kansas as a not-for-profit, non-sectarian, non-partisan organization. It shall, at all times, operate as a tax-exempt organization within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding sections of future United States Revenue Codes.
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