County Library Main Branch - Lawrenceburg

The library provides information as well as books, videos, books on tape, magazines and other items to the citizens of Lawrence County. Computers are available for public access to the Internet as well as for use in word processing, reference, and other tasks. We provide a quick reference service by phone or email. Programs for children are offered weekly during the school year and for a six-week period during the summer.
We offer a monthly book discussion program for adults. School groups, from pre-school through college level, are offered tours and orientation to library services. Our genealogy department is used daily by both local citizens and out-of-town visitors who are researching their family histories. We make IRS tax forms available during tax season.
Goals and Objectives
To make information and materials available to the people in the community which will fill their educational, informational, and entertainment needs. We use every means available to us in order to make the citizens of Lawrence County aware of what we have and encourage them to make use of our resources.
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