Downtown Denver

World class. That's where we set the bar for Downtown Denver. The Downtown Denver Partnership is proud of its outstanding reputation as a vibrant, unique and thriving city builder. But we're not standing still. By staying focused on policies and initiatives, innovation and environment, we'll continue to drive Downtown Denver forward.
The Partnership's strategic plan articulates the mission, vision and core values and guides our special projects and daily work as we work with our partners to build a better city.
The Partnership is a leader, place-maker, convener, idea generator, facilitator, recruiter, team-builder and policy advocate. The Partnership's key areas of focus - Leadership, Environment, Experience, Jobs, Connections and Housing - are the basic, integrated elements of our organization.
As we move forward in the following year, we are committed to focusing on city building by concentrating on six core goals:
Downtown Environment: By addressing clean and safe initiatives and advocating for key policies affecting Downtown, the Partnership will continue to help build a world-class city.
16th Street Mall: To successfully activate, promote and beautify the most visited destination in Downtown Denver, we will continue to redevelop the Mall according to the Downtown Area Plan and the 16th Street Plan.
Downtown Parks: To stimulate use of the city's unique park spaces, the Partnership has committed funds to develop a comprehensive work plan and strategy centered on how Downtown parks are activated and managed.
Retail Recruitment: Expanding and diversifying retail offerings is necessary to attract national chains that can help grow and shape Denver. The Partnership will continue moving its Retail Recruitment Program forward, which is focused on bringing local, regional and first-to-market retailers to Downtown.
Arapahoe Square: The transformation of Arapahoe Square into a vibrant, dense, mixed-use neighborhood is a high priority, and the Partnership will move to complete the second phase of the Arapahoe Square Plan that will define opportunities to revitalize the area.
Downtown Culture of Innovation: Attracting the brightest and best people and businesses to Denver is essential to successful city-building. The Partnership is working to create an environment that attracts and nurtures tech companies so their business and employees can grow and thrive in Downtown.
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