Downtown Fairmont
Downtown Fairmont is a historic community located along the banks of the Monongahela River. With a history tied to the commercial production of coal, our culture is steeped in tradition. Our built environment reflects the mighty coal industry with early skyscrapers defining the landscape. Large, ornate buildings became a hallmark of downtown and still reflect the majesty of our community. Today, downtown Fairmont is still a beautiful city. Friendly shopkeepers line our main street, continuing the business traditions of earlier generations. Families safely can stroll down to Palatine Park to watch fireworks and enjoy the sounds of live bands. Restaurants offer unique cuisine to satisfy every tastebud!
Our organization is working to continue to make downtown Fairmont an even better place with more opportunities for economic development and fun activities.
Our vision for downtown Fairmont is a place where people come together as one, honoring our past, and celebrating our future. Our town is the center of educational activities for Fairmont State University and Pierpont Community and Technical College with a diverse student populace that radiates exuberance and challenges our intellectual status quo.
Fairmont is grounded by our historic architecture, which has been transformed by new, innovative uses. Our citizenry make use of our numerous green spaces and appreciate the easy access to our natural resources. Pedestrians are the new focus of downtown Fairmont and enjoy the wide, brightly marked boulevards, the decorative planters and public art.
We see Fairmont's downtown as full of energy and vitality, thriving from the smiles and laughter and gratitude from all who visit.
Fairmont's potential is extraordinary. Won't you join us as we continue to transform our city into a thriving 21st century community?
Fairmont... Where Holidays are Created and Life is Celebrated!
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