Downtown Muncie

Downtown Muncie is the premier destination to for dining, shopping, entertainment, and urban living.
Downtown Muncie hosts a variety of of places to live, work, and play. Whether you're looking for professional services, shopping and dining, or an evening's entertainment, you'll find it Downtown. It's good to be here.
About MDDP
Over the past decade, the efforts of Muncie Downtown Development Partnership (MDDP) have resulted in numerous impressive achievements, bringing hundreds of thousands of people to the Downtown area. Among them:
- Raising $21,000,000 in private investment.
- Renovation of 32 historic buildings.
- Opening of 64 new businesses.
- Development and occupation of 256,000 square feet of commercial space.
- Development and occupation of 200 apartments.
- Creation and promotion of 136 Downtown events.
- Hosting of 506 serial events.
While MDDP is proud of what it has accomplished so far, there is still much to do. We have broken up the tasks before us into four areas of concentration, and developed specific strategies and action items for each of those areas.
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