Downtown Paris

Downtown Paris has been the backdrop for many celebrations. Back in the thirties, farmers would come to town the first Monday of the month to swap everything from knives to mules. The folks at the newspaper, The Post-Intelligencer, decided that since so many people were in town that day anyway, they'd sponsor a little festival with some mule contests and a parade. The idea caught on, and by the next year everyone was looking forward to the second annual Mule Day. The folks at the theater took moving pictures, and everyone went to the Capitol later and watched the events of Mule Day all over again.
Another festival enjoyed by Parisians during the late thirties and early forties was the Nancy Hall Jubilee, but when the bottom fell out of the sweet potato market the jubilee came to a halt. You see, Nancy Hall wasn't a person the town was honoring. It was the main variety of sweet potato grown around here!
Our Mission
The Downtown Paris Association promotes prosperous business activity and community involvement while encouraging preservation of the downtown area.
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