Downtown Parkersburg
Downtown PKB is a community-driven revitalization program designed to promote the historic and economic redevelopment of Downtown Parkersburg, WV.
Downtown PKB -- created to enhance, revitalize and aesthetically improve Downtown Parkersburg, WV in order to support existing businesses and foster new ones. Join us as we seek to preserve, grow and diversity Parkersburg central business district.
We are working hard to improve all aspects of downtown, producing both tangible and intangible benefits. Join us as we continue to improve economic management, strengthen public participation, and make downtown Parkersburg a fun place to work and visit.
The Promotion committee is responsible for creating a positive image that will build community pride and improve consumer and investor confidence in the Downtown area. This is created through programs and events that promote businesses and activities in the downtown. Promotions committee communicates your commercial district's unique characteristics, business establishments, and activities to shoppers, investors, potential business and property owners, and visitors.
Economic Restructuring
The Economic Restructuring committee is responsible for assisting existing businesses while encouraging new businesses to the community. This group oversees the business climate of the town and works to strengthen downtown's existing economic assets while diversifying its economic base through workshops, recruitment and implementation of new space. . By helping existing businesses expand and recruiting new businesses to respond to today's market, the Main Street program helps convert unused spaces into productive properties and sharpens the competitiveness of business enterprises. Converting unused or underused commercial space into economically productive property also helps boost the profitability of the district. The goal is to build a commercial district that responds to the needs of today's consumers.
The Organizational committee has the responsibility on involving the community's stakeholders, getting everyone working toward a common goal and driving the volunteer-based program. Volunteers are coordinated and supported by the Executive Director of Downtown PKB. This structure not only divides the workload and clearly delineates responsibilities; it builds consensus and cooperation among the various stakeholders. This committee is also responsible for Public Relations, Communications and the financial strength of Downtown PKB.
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