First Christian Church

First Baptist Church is an American Baptist Church with an active, multi-generational congregation eager to meet you and fellowship with you. For more detail on What We Believe or to learn more about our Church Staff, follow the drop down menu. The Resources button further along on the menu bar will lead you to FBC History where you'll find historical information as well as the architectural story of our current building.
First Baptist Church Mission Statement
We are called and blessed to be the body of Christ. We are empowered to grow spiritually, to worship, to study, to serve and to fellowship. We are to be a blessing by inviting others through the gospel message to do the same.
A Vision for "Practicing Our Faith"
First Baptist Church of Columbus strives to be a healthy, multi-generational faith community that is characterized by:
Vibrant Worship Opportunities
Missional Ministry Expression
A Discipleship Driven Focus
Faith Lived in Covenant Community
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