First Presbyterian Church

Mission....What does that word mean to you? When I think of "Mission" with the big "M" I think of the people of Haiti or the work done at Forman Christian College in Lahore, Pakistan (both of which we support.) Closer to home there is plenty to be done at Zion's Kitchen, Eagles Wings, Ruth's House and our special Christmas season Angel Tree Project, one that brings as much joy to the givers as the receivers. There's the very complementary assistance done through our Deacons' Fund or our People in Need (PIN) Fund, both of which exist only through the caring generosity of our members.
But there is another type of mission work done that is often anonymous, unnoticed or unhearalded (as intended.) This mission work happens every day, sometimes spontaneously, sometimes with great care and planning. It happens when a shopper lets another shopper with only a few items get into the checkout line ahead of themselves. It happens when a driver stops in busy traffic to let another car come out of a parking lot. And, again, when someone wants to tell you something...oh so slowly and in great detail...and you're anxious to get on with your work. But you listen--really listen--because you know that person needs attention, and you can give it to them. It happens when a Parish contact discovers that one of his or her members has a need. Maybe that person is just sad, lonely and hurting emotionally and needs visits. Maybe they've been in the hospital and need meals delivered. (Our handy "Send them a Meal" online sign-up and delivery project has been very effective!)
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