Grace Point Church
We exist to lead common people into uncommon life in Jesus.
The uncommon life in Jesus calls us to build intentional relationships and live out the grace lifestyle that God has appropriated to us. Every mission partner (member) is encouraged to: pray for those they know who do not have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; share a verbal witness of God's grace by sharing their own salvation ("One") story; and invite their friends, neighbors, relatives and co-workers to church.
The uncommon life in Jesus compels every Christian to strive to become a committed follower of Jesus, growing spiritually in an intimate relationship with Jesus. We pursue this increasing intimacy with God through relationships, accountability and spiritual disciplines. Our Life Groups provide Bible study, fellowship, accountability and opportunities for service. In the context of community and authentic relationships, we pursue an uncommon life in Jesus.
We all dream of a place where we can know others and be known, where we can be a part of a cause worth investing in; a place where we will be loved and accepted both for who we are and for who we are not. At Grace Point Church, our mission is to lead common people into uncommon life in Jesus. We are constantly reminded that we do not "go to" church but we "are" the church wherever we go and that it is no longer we who live but Christ who lives in us. So we invite you to get Connected, engage in Community and pursue your Calling--we invite you to church:uncommon.
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