Greensboro Publc LIbrary

Mission: In partnership with the community, the Greensboro Public Library strives to provide free and equal access to information, foster lifelong learning, and inspire the joys of reading.
What it means
The GPL has a 100-year history of service and innovation.
In partnership with the community...
Public libraries serve their communities by being a part of the community. In Greensboro, individuals and organizations gather at the public library to learn for themselves and about others. Through projects like One City, One Book and PoetryGSO, the library has taken a role in building community within our city. Inside the public libraries, Greensboro feels more like a big neighborhood than a small metropolis. and equal access to information...
The GPL's commitment to free and equal access to information is the foundation of the institution. As the "people's university," the library ensures the educated citizenry that the nation's democracy was founded upon. Expect to find the GPL on the frontlines, fighting for your intellectual freedom.
...lifelong learning...
From early literacy initiatives that connect young parents and babies with books through computer workshops for seniors, the library promotes learning opportunities every step of the way: storytimes, homework assistance, job and career exploration, consumer tools, hobby resources, investment resources, travel planning, and more.
...the joys of reading...
Reading is the road to growth and discovery. It is through shared knowledge and communication that we gain understanding, which contributes to greater community, greater personal freedom and ultimately, lifelong learning.
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