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Hardin County History Museum

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Since opening its doors in the fall of 2003, the Hardin County History Museum has been collecting and preserving artifacts, documents and other memorabilia that tells the story of Hardin County from its early Indian inhabitants to modern times. Through a variety of permanent and rotating exhibits, as well as speakers, tours and promotions, the history museum strives to promote knowledge and appreciation for area heritage.

Pioneer relics form a collective memory of cabin life in the wilderness of the Kentucky frontier. Various panels depict the evolution of the counties carved from the frontier of Kentucky County, Virginia that became a state in its own right and settled by the influx of westward travelers after the War of Revolution.

Today, more than 200 years after the first white settlers made their home in the area we know as Hardin County, the gathering, preserving and displaying objects honoring the area's founders and inhabitants as well as their lives and achievements is presented in a premier collection of artifacts housed at the museum.

We invite you to visit and enjoy a journey through time.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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