Heritage Farm Museum & Village
Step back in time with a guided adventure into days gone by -- a time of one-room schoolhouse, blacksmith shops, country stores and log homes.
Stroll through up to 16 different buildings experiencing life as it was "back then" and learning about the major inventions that changed everything to create the quality of life we take for granted today.
We have five fine museums for the history explorers of all ages.
Heritage Museum follows our Appalachian Heritage from the days of the trader to farmer,craftsman, professional and beyond.
Transportation Museum shows the progression of the revolution in transportation took place all across America at the turn of the century with the advent of motorized vehicles. From covered wagons to carriages, early autos and an electric truck, you'll find it here. and dining facilities.
Progress Museum. Witness the dramatic changes made in the home during 1850, 1900 and 1925.
Industry Museum contains the developement of agriculture, timber, glass, coal, oil and gas. You can even watch a belt-powered machine shop and enter a walk-through exhbition coal mine.
Country Store Museum was the first building of the project completed and served as a logical springboard for the rest of the farm.
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