Idaho Aquarium

The Idaho Aquarium is now open to the public 10am to 8pm daily. Our 10,000 square foot facility houses over 35,000 gallons of saltwater and over 250 different species of animals and marine life. Though not all of the facility is complete, there is room for a large 130,000 gallon shark tank, seals, amazon, and sea otter exhibit that are in the planning and design stage. Please visit our exhibits page for more details on the current exhibits available.
Loggerheads can swim up to 15mph with their smooth shells and paddle like flippers. Adults can weigh between 47lbs-136lbs. Loggerheads lay about 100 eggs 2 to 5 times per year. It's hard to say how much they consume each year, but due to their specialized diets of sponges, jellyfishes, sargassum weed, small gastropods, crustaceans, conch, clams, horseshoe crab as well as other crustaceans, jellyfishes, pteropods, floating mollusks, floating egg clusters, squids and flying fishes. Their cost to adopt is directly related to the cost to maintain. As part of your adoption you will receive
- Behind the scenes tour of the aquarium for 2 adults
- Have your picture taken with your turtle
- 5 Transferable Family Season passes to the Aquarium that can be given to others (adult sea turtle adoption only)
- Your name on a plaque in front of the exhibit naming you as the adoptive parent for that Turtle
- Your name will be in the quarterly news letter under adoptive parents
- Recognition on the web site
- Special time to feed and spend time with your adopted animal and the animal trainer
Sharks eat far less than most people imagine. Remember that, like other fish, sharks are cold-blooded. Cold- blooded animals have much lower metabolisms than warm-blooded animals such as mammals. So sharks don't need huge amounts of food. A shark eats between 1% and 10% of its body weight in a week. We have sharks from 350lbs down to 5 lbs ready to come to the aquarium. As part of your adoption you will receive;
- Behind the scenes tour of the aquarium for 2 adults
- A picture of the shark you adopted
- 5 Family entries to the Aquarium (extra large and large shark adoption only)
- 3 scuba dives with the sharks for 2 people.(extra large and large shark adoption only)
- Your name on a plaque in front of the exhibit naming you as the adoptive parent for that Shark
- Your name will be in the quarterly news letter under adoptive parents section
- Recognition on the web site
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