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Jefferson Community Theatre

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The Jefferson Community Theatre is a non-profit community arts group that encourages self-expression through theatre. We believe that art is an essential part of any thriving community. We believe that arts lift the spirit and raise the collective consciousness of the citizens of our community. Our goal is to help everyone in our community share in the excitement of participating in theatre-as actors, backstage crew, or audience members.

There is something new in Jefferson! Come be part of a production of the Jefferson Community Theatre.

Maybe you like to create costumes or build things with your hands. Maybe you like to dig through the local thrift store or are you a baker of cookies? These tasks along with make up, sound & lights, designing an ad and keeping the website current are just a few of the areas that are up for grabs in this brand new venture.

We are always looking for volunteers. Give us a call anytime or send us an email.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed


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