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Jurupa Mountains Discovery Center

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Come Learn With Us!

Hands-on education is the key to enthusiastic learning

Let our field trip programs broaden your student's horizons.

Our Earth Science Museum includes specimens of rocks, minerals and fossils from around the world. Special exhibits include the largest Dinosaur Egg Collection from China on display in United States, a Mining display, Fluorescent Mineral display, Crestmore Quarry display and much more. For an additional $.50 per person you can add a museum tour to your other programs if it is not already included.

We offer a full line of interactive, hands-on education kits that are designed to actively engage the student in the learning process.

Rock and Mineral Sets

Each of our Rock and Mineral sets provide a well organized, documented and subject-focused learning tool for your classroom. Your students can progress from the basics of specimen identification and mohs hardness to learning about the unique properties of various minerals, to even growing their own crystals! In all, we have over 30 different rock and mineral sets designed to intrigue and inform your students.

Fossil and Paleontology Sets

Ready to unleash your student's inner explorer? These sets contain unique specimens from around the world. Dinosaur bones, petrified wood, shark teeth and Cambrian algae are just a few of the things we have assembled into these kits to pique your students natural curiosity about the past.

Miscellaneous Sets

Let your students experience the rich heritage of Native American culture with our arrowhead sets! On a more artistic note, our Native American paint sets let your students make their own natural paint, just like it was made thousands of years ago!

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Tue8:00 AM5:00 PM
Wed8:00 AM5:00 PM
Thr8:00 AM5:00 PM
Fri8:00 AM5:00 PM
Sat8:00 AM5:00 PM
Sun12:00 PM5:00 PM
Notes: None Listed


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