King's Guard Museum

One of the island's most unique and exciting visitor attractions is King's Village, depicting a section of Honolulu as it might have looked at the turn of the century. Visitors can stroll over the cobblestone path to discover over 45 enchanting shops and restaurants featuring thousands of items from Hawaii, as well as imports from around the world, at competitive prices.
Behold the "Changing of the King's Guard" at 6:15 p.m. daily. The world renowned King's Guard wear uniforms that are the exact replica of those worn by the Hawaiian Royal Palace Guard for King Kalakaua in 1875. Watch as they impress you with a spectacular rifle drill exhibition after retiring the Hawaiian Flag. This free show occurs at the front gate of King's Village.
While shopping at King's Village, visit Waikiki's version of Hollywood's "Walk of Fame." The King's Village "Celebrity Circle" displays the handprints of many of Hawaii's best-loved celebrities as well as a few nationally known ones.
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