Lark Street

Exactly what is a BID? "BID" is an acronym for Business Improvement District. It is a special taxation district; an added tax on properties located within that district. The first BID in New York State, then called a Special Assessment District, was established in Syracuse in 1975. Albany presently has three BIDs: the Downtown Albany BID, the Central Avenue BID and the Lark Street BID.
The Lark Street Neighborhood District Management Association, also know as the Lark Street Business Improvement District, a not-for-profit corporation, was incorporated in 1996 as a coalition of over 180 property owners united in their commitment to enhance the quality of life in the Lark Street Neighborhood. Since its inception the organization has worked to improve and promote the Lark Street Neighborhood through a variety of programs and services.
At the Lark Street BID we work to cultivate the creative energy and edge that makes Lark Street a premiere destination for entertainment, culture and urban life in the CapitalRegionThe Lark Street Neighborhood District Management Association, more commonly known as the Lark Street Business Improvement District, is an independent not-for-profit organization that works to build, sustain, and enhance a unique and prosperous living and business community for the residents, visitors, and merchants of the Lark Street Neighborhood of Albany, NY.
At the Lark Street BID we provide core neighborhood services focused on Neighborhood Safety, Street Maintenance, Neighborhood Marketing, and Special Events and Promotions.
Neighborhood Safety Program
One of the primary goals of the Lark Street BID is to improve Neighborhood Safety. The Neighborhood Safety Program coordinates services and public area improvements to provide additional safety measures to those who live, work, and visit this special part of the city.
The Lark Street BID funds and coordinates the Lark Street Walk n' Watch. Neighborhood Watch Programs are one of the most effective ways to deter crime. If you are interested in more information or volunteering to be a walker, please contact Mary at 434-3861or
Neighborhood Marketing Program
Successful marketing of the Lark Street Neighborhood is an effective way of ensuring the continued growth and vitality of the unique community that characterizes Lark Street. The Neighborhood Marketing Program is designed to promote the continued occupancy of existing businesses and enhance the image of the District as a whole.
The Lark Street BID regularly updates its website with news, events, and information from area merchants. If you have an article or event you would like to submit, please call (518) 434-3861 or
Special Events and Promotions Program
The Special Events coordinated by the Lark Street BID are enjoyed and coveted by the entire Capital Region and serve as major attractions to the neighborhood. Throughout the year our neighbors and visitors have several occasions to celebrate the dynamic Lark Street community in the heart of Albany.
The following annual events are presented by the Lark Street BID:
Champagne on the Park
The annual fundraiser for the Lark Street BID. This annual event is held outside among the Formal Tulip Beds in Washington Park! Attendees enjoy fine champagnes, wine, and hor'd'oeuvres from Lark Street restaurants and a silent auction featuring items from Lark Street merchants and artists.
Art on Lark
- A Street-wide Art Show and Sale celebrating local artists and musicians.
- Approximately 20,000 people
- New York State's largest one day open air street festival featuring up & coming local, regional, and national musical acts.
- Approximately 80,000 people
Winter WonderLARK
- Shop, eat, and stroll Lark Street for last minute holiday shopping with fun activities for the whole family. The highlight of the day is the Santa Speedo Sprint where costumed runners sprint down Lark Street!
Street Maintenance and Beautification
- Lark Street is a well traveled pedestrian commercial corridor. The Lark Street BID employs year-round maintenance staff to help control the sidewalk and street litter, autumn leaves and to clear crosswalks in the winter. In 2005, our maintenance staff clocked over 1,000 hours of service.
Every Spring the Lark Street BID and the City of Albany hang colorful baskets of flowers on the light poles and plant tulips in the sidewalk tree beds. These tulips are replaced with seasonal flowers for the summer months. The Lark Street BID works with the Central BID in the warmer months to keep all of the plants, flowers, and street trees adequately watered and healthy.
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