Leach Public Library
The Leach Public Library has been providing library services since April 8, 1924, in 2009 we celebrated our 85th year. It has basically remained unchanged and is in the Register Of Historic Buildings.
The Library is accessible to all levels by using the west entrance where the lift is located. The Library is free to residents of Richland County and all Lake Agassiz Regional Library patrons. Anyone not living within our service area may obtain a library card for $10 for two years. Some form of identification is required before a library card is issued. The Leach Public Library has a wide variety of services it provides free of charge to the public.
The Leach Library has a wide variety of services provided free of charge to the public.
ODIN: Odin is the Online Dakota Information Network. The holdings of over 50 North Dakota libraries (Public, School, College, and Private) can be accessed through the internet.
Internet Service: The public is invited to use the internet access at the library at no cost except if you print any information. The library has 5 computers available for public access in the adult area and 3 in the children's area. Children under 16 can only have access to the internet if a parent gives written permission. (See below) There is also a computer in each area for online catalog searching. We were fortunate to be part of the Melinda and Bill Gates Foundation grant that gave computers to Public Libraries in all 50 states. The public access computers are the ones from the Gates Foundation and have several programs available to both adults and children. Headphones are also available at each public access computer. There are also 2 laptop computers that can be checked out for use in the library.
Wireless Access: The library has wireless access for patrons who wish to bring in laptops. The library has a printer that can be used with laptops; just ask at the circulation desk to have it connected to your laptop. Printing charges are $.15 per page.
Databases: Leach Library subscribes to the following databases available here in the library or at home using the Odin website and your login number and password. In most cases it will be your library card number and last name.
Outreach services: Leach Library offers 3 outreach services - Outreach Story Time - our Children's Librarian goes out to the daycares and does story time with the children. If your daycare is interested in this service, please call the library and ask for the Children's Librarian. Outreach Library time - staff from the library will go to communities in Richland County and bring library materials to the residents. If any communities are interested in this, call the library and ask for the Library Director. Outreach Home Delivery - If anyone within the City of Wahpeton would like library materials but is unable to come to the library, please call and staff from the library will deliver the material to you.
Lending Materials: Besides a wide variety of children and adult books, the library also has books on audio and CD, video and DVD's large print books and periodicals (newspapers & magazines).
Genealogy: The library has microfilm of the local newspaper dating back to the 1860's that may be viewed on the microfilm reader at the library. We also have several of the Richland County township histories. All are available for viewing. In the databases available, Ancestry Plus is also a great resource to use. This can only be used in the library.
Income Tax forms: Beginning in January, free income tax forms are available at the library. We will have most federal forms as well as the booklets from North Dakota and Minnesota. If you are unable to download the forms from your home, the library will do that for you at a charge of $.15 per page for printing. Most forms can be accessed through the IRS website at http://www.irs.gov/ year round.
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