Marion County Literacy Council

The Marion County Literacy Council is a non-profit organization that was founded by Barbara Woodson in 1999. Barbara wanted to improve adult literacy in Marion County. The Council was founded to teach adults to read, help students pass the GED test and to teach English to speakers of other languages. Since its inception, reading and GED preparation have been the main focus of our program. MCLC is responding to our diverse population growth by expanding our ESOL (English Speakers of Other Languages) program as well.
Marion County Literacy Council is a group of dedicated volunteers that tutor adult learners. We help adult learners reach their individual learning goals. Our learners are preparing for GED exams, learning to read or write and learn the English language. We provide this service to assist the learner. From one student, one tutor, we have expanded in a few years to more than 100 tutors and students.
Slowly but consistently word has spread that the Literacy Council is the instrument through which anyone with a dream to better himself/ herself can, with hard work,determination and dedication achieve their goal. We have become a permanent fixture in Ocala/Marion County, proud of our achievements and successes - which are a tribute to our dedicated volunteer tutors.
All adult citizens of Marion County should have a resource available to help improve their literacy skills.
To promote the importance of literacy in today's society and provide a framework for instruction dedicated to improving adult literacy skills throughout Marion County, Florida.
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