Monroe Boat Club

Established in 1946-the result of a merger between Monroe Yacht Club and Bolles Harbor Boat Club-Monroe Boat Club enjoys a rich history from both her parent clubs. In celebration of the area's significant French heritage, MBC still holds the Annual Muskrat Dinner, which began with Monroe Yacht Club.
Other activities include competitive sailing, power yacht cruises,
LEOPA Poker Runs, an annual regatta sponsoring The Sister's Island Race, and numerous social activities throughout the year.
Considered by many the friendliest family club on Lake Erie, MBC is located just a short trip up La Plaisance Creek from the western shore of Lake Erie in Monroe, Michigan. Our doors are open to all members of AYC, ILYA, & YCA affiliated clubs.
Monroe Boat Club History
The Monroe Boat Club was founded November 8, 1945 by a merger of the Monroe Yacht Club and the Bolles Harbor Boat Club. The Monroe Yacht Club traces it roots back to 1886 as member of the Inter-Lake Yachting Association - ILYA. (Click here to learn more about Monroe Yacht Club!)
P/C Edward Knabusch "1946-1947" was elected the first Commodore of Monroe Boat Club. Monthly meeting were held in "Bus" Miller's barn, and the annex on the club property.
Docks are an important part of Monroe Boat Club, as they are to other yacht clubs. From the first permanent docks built in 1953, many dock additions and improvements have taken place. In 1994, the largest project, "Phase 1", increased our docks from the original 88 docks to 125 docks. This project was started by Commodore Ken Beach. In 1995, (Monroe Boat Clubs 50th year), Commodore Ron Stokes completed "Phase 1" and "Phase 2" was started, which raised the number of docks to 135. With the increase of docks, many more members now enjoy the club with their boat just a short walk from the clubhouse.
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