Movement with Meaning

Social and Ballroom dancing has been one of the most loved ways to spend a fun and relaxing evening together for decades. It is one of the few sports that both men and women enjoy equally. Fortunately the ability to experience dancing is not divided into the haves and have not's though many believe it to be so.We understand that the main reason that people are reluctant to dance is simply a lack of skill. And skill is learned. Movement with Meaning offers three ways to learn how to dance.
The first is private lessons for a couple.
Second is private lessons for a group (of friends, colleges, church members, wedding party etc).
The third is that we offer something very special and quite different. It is that we offer weekend conferences. Movement with Meaning has been teaching dance to strengthen the quality of marriages at marriage conferences for years. Now, we offer our own. It is filled with tools that increase the ability for you and your spouse to communicate with each other which directly affects the quality of your marriage which directly affects the quality of your family and life. Four separate teachings on how to communicate are taught from teaching personality types to non-verbal communication. Between each of the four teachings will be taught a ballroom dance instruction. It will be equivalent to taking 3-4 private one hour dance lessons. The evening culminates with dinner and dancing. It is not only tremendously beneficial for couples, it is also insanely fun. Go to the ‘Upcoming Events' to learn more about the conferences, to see when the next one will be offered or to register.
~Lisa began Swing and Ballroom Dancing at the age of 12 by the instruction of her parents who were both ballroom dancers. Later, she performed weekly on the television dance show "Airways"
~At 21, Lisa was so gifted in her physical abilities, that the 5 time world champion and a coach of Acro gymnastics champions said that she was built to be an Olympian.
~Lisa sought God for His calling on her life. He clearly directed her into dance where she began a ministry called Movement with Meaning that conveyed God and His word in visual form. God was using her to forge the way for ministry through dance. At that point Lisa was the very first person who ministered through dance at the majority of churches she went to. The very act God had done to Lisa was now being done through Lisa. Many viewers reported experiencing healing in their bodies and emotions.
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