Natural Science Center of Greensboro

The Natural Science Center of Greensboro is a 501 3(c) non-profit organization.
The Natural Science Center is committed to excellence in science education by providing the community with a dynamic, experiential and family-focused attraction designed to inspire scientific curiosity and encourage personal discovery about life and the natural world.
Click here to learn about the Natural Science Center's expansion plans.
On October 5, 1957, The Natural Science Center of Greensboro first opened its doors (known then as The Greensboro Junior Museum) thanks to the efforts of community leaders, the Junior League and the Greensboro Parks and Recreation Department. In 1989, the city of Greensboro and the Natural Science Center of Greensboro Board of Trustees, entered into a public/private partnership and established the Center as a 501(c) 3, not for profit organization. The combination of public and private funds enabled the Center to add more exhibits and galleries, an entrance rotunda, new classrooms, a herpetarium, an aquatics lab, a reptile lab, a robotics lab, a mineral lab, an insect lab, a collections storage area and Animal Discovery Zoo. Currently, the Center is undergoing significant expansion plans outlined in its three-phase, seven-year Master Plan. Once complete in 2020, the Natural Science Center will be home to a state of the art accredited Science Museum, a high-tech OmniSphere Theater, an expanded and accredited Zoological Park and a world class Aquarium.
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