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Randy's Fish Palace

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Randys was hired for his first job, while a Junior and Senior at Galt High School, by Walt Tecklenberg of Lodi in his fish room at Tecks Aquarium on Cherokee Lane in Lodi.

Randys first solo business venture also commenced during this time when he opened a wholesale fish breeding business. After graduating from Galt High School, Randy moved to Florida to pursue his education and broaden his experience and knowledge base in fish farming and husbandry. This included the propagation of more than 250 species of fresh and salt water fishes. This was a very hands on learning experience. Randy came home to Lodi to open the first "Palace" in 1976. Randys Fish Palace flagship store opened on Lodi Avenue, in Lodi, California. Within a short time, the demand and popularity of the tropical fish hobby warranted opening a second larger store. Randy did this in nearby Stockton. Randy didnt stop with two stores.... the third satellite store in Lodi on Cherokee Lane opened in 1982. The Stockton "Palace" remained for 20 years at the corner of Thornton Road and Hammer Lane where it was a well known landmark. If you live in the San Joaquin County, more than likely you have heard of Randy's Fish Palace.

Randy retired after 25 years - to relax and reacquaint himself with his family and friends and to enjoy some traveling ... However, the workaholic soon became restless. In these intervening years, as many of his loyal followers (customers who have become like family) know, he went on to establish fish rooms for local businesses in Lodi, Galt, Lockeford and Stockton. With Randy in the background, these businesses have thrived as the hobby waxed and waned, so do these businesses and Randy wasnt satisfied by just helping other businesses succeed.

In 2005, Randy founded Lazarus Ponds (resurrecting home ponds, fountains and water feature projects - back from the dead). This company assists its customers refurbish, redesign and maintain their existing water feature. It also maintains fountains, ponds in both commercial and residential settings. He provides Koi and mosquito abatement fishes. Randy also assists large acreage pond owners control algae and other grasses and in the aeration and filtration of the stock ponds and recreation ponds.

2009: Now, Randy is back! He is open to the public once again with Randys Fish Palace at 1163 E. March Lane, Suite C, Stockton, California, where salt, fresh water, fountain and pond business customers are all welcome. Our goal is to provide personalized individual service for each hobbyist and if we dont have it we will find it and get it to you fast. His motto "Where EVERY DAY is Customer Appreciation Day!"

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation:
Mon12:00 PM5:00 PM
Tue10:00 AM7:00 PM
Wed10:00 AM7:00 PM
Thr10:00 AM7:00 PM
Fri10:00 AM7:00 PM
Sat10:00 AM7:00 PM
Sun12:00 PM5:00 PM
Notes: None Listed


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