St. John's Cathedral

Mission Statement
We are a welcoming Eucharistic community committed to growing together as disciples of Jesus Christ. As both a parish and the Mother Church of the Archdiocese, we serve as a beacon of faith, a patron of the arts, and a haven and advocate for people who are poor and marginalized.
Value Statements
June 2011
The parishioners of the Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist value:
- Liturgy and prayer that respects the broad tradition of the Church and invite full, active participation according tot he norms of Vatican II
- Preaching that is vibrant and substantive, challenging and relevant
- Music and the arts that inspire
- Justice for all, in our parish, our community and our world
- Spiritual formation and enrichment that enable people of all ages to understand, live, grow in, and share the Good News of the Catholic faith
- Stewardship of time, talent and treasure that recognizes and utilizes the gifts of all for the common good
- Hospitality that welcomes all and encourages personal relationships
- Ministries of healing and wellness for the entire person - mind, body and spirit
Goals and Objectives
June 2011
Goal I Objectives: Continue to make liturgy the source and summit of Christian life for all who gather for prayer and worship.
- Maintain and enhance the high quality music ministry of the parish
- Provide ongoing education and spiritual formation for parishioners who serve in the liturgical ministries of the parish
- Engage parishioners in full, active participation in liturgy and other worship experiences
- Continue to provide substantial and inspirational homilies
Goal II Objectives: Provide opportunities and encourage and provide life-long faith formation and spiritual growth for all parishioners.
- Develop a continuous RCIA process to encompass full parish participation and support
- Provide updated theological education as it relates to personal, social and political issues
- Create more opportunities for people of all generations to understand and be committed to the spirit and teachings of Vatican II
- Offer opportunities for the downtown professional and business community to explore spirituality in the work place
- Support Catholic East Elementary as our parish school and strengthen connections to the parish
- Embrace East Side Child and Youth Ministry (ESCYM) as our parish program for Religious Education for public and private school students
- Recognize community needs and offer supportive opportunities to address them
Goal III Objectives: Strengthen our commitment to evangelization.
- Experience pride in our beliefs and invite others to share our faith
- Encourage and facilitate faith sharing among parishioners
- Model Christian hospitality in welcoming all who come to the Cathedral
- Provide ongoing opportunities for active involvement of all parishioners in Cathedral events
- Welcome and integrate new parishioners into parish life
- Invite those who are searching or who are inactive to come home
Goal IV Objectives: Reach out and collaborate with others in service of the Gospel.
- Create a collaborative environment for mutual support of business, civic, educational and religious entities in the downtown area to address social issues
- In the spirit of ecumenism, collaborate with parishes and other faith communities in the Archdiocese
- Through direct service and advocacy strive to eliminate the social ills caused by injustice
- Strengthen our relationship with the National Shrine of St. Lucy, our sister parish in St. Lucia
- Support the ministries of healing and wellness of mind, body and spirit
- Build community with those we serve
Goal V Objectives: Promote full and active participation in stewardship of time, talent and treasure.
- Consistently invite and educate parishioners to embrace comprehensive stewardship
- Regularly show gratitude for parishioners' commitment to stewardship
- Encourage personal commitment to stewardship
Goal VI Objectives: Enhance appreciation for and involvement in the sacred arts.
- Partner with other organizations to continually promote the experience of the arts
- Ensure diverse programming to appeal to a varied audience
- Increase individuals' understanding and appreciation of sacred art
- Offer educational opportunities and formational resources related to faith and the arts
Goal VII Objectives: Communicate with parishioners and the community at large.
- Increase the visibility of our faith and parish and activities
- Ensure communication using a wide variety of marketing methods
- Utilize social media to provide points of contact for communication, collaboration and feedback
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