St. Patrick's Cathedral
Welcome to the website for America's Parish Church, St. Patrick's Cathedral.
So often I am reminded by friends of the many important moments in history that have taken place here at St. Patrick's. It is true that the list of amazing moments is long and impressive - but it is not why this Cathedral is so important.
During my installation as Archbishop of New York - which took place on April 15, 2009 - I said:
"The Church is at her best, faithful to her mission, when she invites people to open the door and ask Jesus in. That's precisely the invitation this Archdiocese of New York extends; that's the proposal the Church makes to the world."
This is why St. Patrick's Cathedral is so important. Every year, more than five million people of every different nationality and faith enter this Cathedral. Some come just as a tourist, but many more come to participate in the life of the Church. Regardless of why people visit this magnificent Cathedral, everyone who crosses our threshold is invited to open their hearts to God.
Every year, more than one million prayer candles are lit here at St. Patrick's Cathedral - an outward sign that so many of those who visit in person do so to invite Christ into their lives.
St. Patrick's Cathedral is a physical manifestation of the Church's mission to invite people to open the doors and ask Jesus in to their hearts.
This website is intended to be the virtual door to St. Patrick's Cathedral. I invite you to explore the different ways that you can get involved in our Cathedral community: share your favorite story of St. Patrick's Cathedral, sign up for our email updates, join our Facebook fan page or take a moment to pray while lighting a virtual candle online.
Whatever way you get involved, I pray that you will continue to open your heart to Jesus in your everyday life. I also hope that you will pray for me and all of my brother priests, women religious, brothers, deacons and faithful people of this great Archdiocese. They are all wonderful examples of how letting Jesus in the door is a choice one never regrets.
Welcome to St. Patrick's Cathedral's website - thanks for visiting!
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