the spot...a Child's Museum
Northern Arizona's First Children's Museum!
...truly a place of discovery!
the spot... spelled backwards is tops! An amazing partnership with the wonderful folks at our local mall, The Prescott Gateway Mall, resulted in a space, our "mini-spot" location where you can find us through the summer of 2012. A strong group of 100% volunteers open the Museum weekly for regular public hours every Friday and Saturday from 1:00 - 5:00 pm, and often for additional special events and fabulous programs. We hope you become one of the community participants!
At the spot...a Child's Museum, children take center stage. It is a haven for young children and their families to inquire, discover, imagine and create. It is a place where kids are allowed to construct their world through open-ended experiences as they explore, practice skills, and learn. This museum honors and respects the creative and expressive work of children realizing that they are the primary participants in crafting their lives.
The spot...a Child's Museum envisions children as lifelong learners who are inquisitive and knowledgeable about the world and are inspired to become stewards of a peaceful and sustainable planet. The spot....A Child's Museum is a place that a kid may refer to as "my place of discovery"
- A child will learn to understand himself and use his abilities to gain knowledge.
- A child will discover her unique environment and her natural surroundings.
- A child will recognize diversity and learn how he fits into a global world.
Helping a child supports the future of our planet.
The spot...a Child's Museum provides interactive play experiences to stimulate curiosity, creativity, critical thinking and problem solving for children of all ages. The spot...a Child's Museum fosters this mission by:
- creating discovery through fun exploration
- encouraging healthy family relationships
- promoting community partnerships
- demonstrating respect for diversity
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