The Wilma Theatre

The theatre is a beautifully ornate Louis XIV style theatre. The main auditorium seats 1,063 patrons in red, well-cushioned chairs and regardless of whether patrons came to see a documentary film, a nationally touring punk-rock band or the ballet, there is plenty to see long before the show ever starts. The ceiling is the largest hand-painted ceiling in the state and the walls, balconies, lobby, and stairwells all feature elaborate decoration or trimming. The entryway is flanked with black Italian marble walls, and the stairs leading to the balcony and restrooms have an overpowering brown and gold pattern that rather than assault the senses, somehow exudes luxury of a bygone time.
Movies, Music, and Live Performance
An important part of the mission of the Wilma Theatre is to build and shape our community through the arts. We believe the arts posses a unique ability to bring people together in community through a shared experience: Music, art, drama and dance use a language that is universal in scope and accessible to all. Through offering a variety of artistic mediums, aesthetics, and cultural perspectives, it is our hope that the Wilma Theatre will play a vital and central role in creating a healthy vibrant community in Western Montana.
Good film enriches human experience with meaning and understanding. For many years the Wilma Theatre has been dedicated to showing the best examples of the independent and foreign language films; films that stir our feelings, open our minds, connect us to others, and deepen our understanding of the mystery of life so that when we leave the theater our perspective is a little broader and our compassion a little deeper.
It is an important part of the mission of the Wilma Theatre to enrich the artistic, social, and political life of the Missoula Community through film. Toward this end the Wilma Theatre:
- screens over 80 art and independent films each year
- provide film education programs for adults and students
- present film festivals such as our collaboration with the International Wildlife Film Festival and the Big Sky Film festival
- premiere films by local filmmakers
- sponsor public film forums, film literacy classes and after-film discussions
We will continue to offer the highest quality first run independent and foreign language films and to host film festivals that bring fantastic films and film makers to our community. Contact The Wilma to learn more about our film programs or to offer suggestions and feedback as to how we can better serve the Missoula community through film.
There is an energy generated through live music performance that is unique and exhilarating. The music seems to enter the body differently, in a primal way, when it is live versus when it is played on a CD, MP3, or the radio. You can't help but dance, even just a little.
We will be bringing more live music to the Wilma Theatre, hopefully a lot more. We hope to bring an eclectic variety of bands and singer songwriters from country to folk to rock to jazz to small classic ensembles. We are also working with a few local musicians to establish a regular night for local musicians to perform at the Wilma Building. Stay tuned as we develop new ideas and new partnerships. Contact The Wilma if you would like to learn more about our upcoming live music events.
Live Performance
The Wilma Theatre will continue to support the Missoula arts community through its dedication and commitment to local performance groups such as the Rocky Mountain School of Ballet, and the Missoula Public Schools choir. Contact The Wilma if you or your group is interested in utilizing the Wilma Theatre for your live performance event.
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