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Trinity Episcopal Church

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Warm Hearts ~ Open Arms ~ Inquiring Minds

We are an open faith community welcoming everyone who is responding to God's Grace. If you are visiting or looking for a spiritual home,please consider joining us in worshiping God in a contemporary Anglican/Episcopalian tradition. We pray that you will experience the life, love, and inclusiveness of the risen Jesus

Mission Statement

  • Worship We throw open our hearts to experience and celebrate God's presence and love in our worship.
  • Outreach Trinity Church propels people to discern and practice their God-given call to minister joyfully, locally, and globally.
  • Community of We joyfully embrace all in our communion, young or old, gay or straight, Acceptance married or single, rich or poor, present or absent, sure or unsure. ALL.
  • As an open community of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit, Trinity Episcopal Church celebrates the life, love and inclusiveness of Jesus Christ and reaches out to the diverse community of Southeastern Idaho.

How to Participate In Taking Our Mission into the World

If you would like to participate in any of the outreach activities below, you can let us know through our contact page. Your message will be passed to the appropriate person. If you have an idea for an activity that is not listed, you can talk with others who might be interested, with one of the vestry members, or tell us through our 'contact us' page.

Prison Ministry

Pocatello Women's Correctional Center Ministry (PWCC Ministry)

Every Sunday a team from Trinity goes to the PWCC to offer worship and study opportunities. Holy Eucharist is offered on a monthly basis. This is an opportunity to reach out to the women who are incarcerated at the prison and to help them build a foundation for a better life after their release. Participants will need to apply and pass a background check.

Shawl Ministry

The Trinity Episcopal Church Prayer Shawl Ministry was started in March of 2007. Prayer shawls and lap blankets are prayerfully knitted or crocheted to comfort those in need or to celebrate joyful events. Meetings are held approximately once a month at a knitter's home or at the parish hall; most of the knitting is done by members at their homes and on their own schedule. The shawls are blessed during Sunday worship before going to their recipient.

Our Gathering Place

Sixteen years ago (on March 1, 1997), the priests and people of Trinity saw a need. There were many students who left Pocatello High School and other secondary schools at the end of the school day who had no place to hang out. Many of them were hungry. Our Gathering Place came out of this need. At the close of each school day Trinity welcomes high school students to the parish hall. A staff of three serve healthy snacks and beverages. Pool, air hockey, ping pong and foosball tables are available as well as a basketball court and many other activities. The Idaho Food Bank supports OGP. We also received funding from the United Way. We happily accept donations! OGP serves 75 to 100 students every school day.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed
Parish Office Hours:Wednesday, Thursday and Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.


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