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Wash­ing­ton Park Zoo

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The Washington Park Zoo has more than 100 species and over 250 animals in a unique zoo set near the southern shore of beautiful Lake Michigan. Currently the zoo is being modernized so that all of the animals can all be exhibited in natural settings surrounded by botanical plantings. Here at the WPZoo you can get up close and personal with tigers, monkeys, bears, alligators, otters and more. There are also plenty of bird species on display, as well as a really cool reptile building that is in the shape of a castle. Zookeepers and volunteers are always on hand to provide public education about the animals and the zoo's efforts at conservation and preservation.

The Wash­ing­ton Park Zoo founded in 1928, encom­passes 15 acres on a hilly sand dune and located near the south­ern shore of beau­ti­ful Lake Michi­gan. The zoo exhibits more than 90 species orig­i­nat­ing through­out the world. The ani­mals are exhib­ited in nat­ural set­tings, sur­rounded by botan­i­cal plant­i­ngs. Among the exhibits are Ben­gal tigers, Cot­ton top tamarins, Amer­i­can alli­ga­tors, Griz­zly bear, Grey kan­ga­roos, Ring-tailed lemurs, River otters, Bald eagles, and more.

Some of the other zoo high­lights are the Rotary Cas­tle that exhibits some of the cold-blooded crea­tures includ­ing lizards, snakes, and frogs. The Aus­tralian Adven­ture which is a walk through aviary fea­tur­ing over 250 colour­ful free fly­ing para­keets and the Red barn exhibit hous­ing the minia­ture domes­tic horses, don­keys, pigs, and goats. The zoo also has many unique his­tor­i­cal WPA walk­ways and build­ings, includ­ing the 70 foot tall obser­va­tion tower.

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Details and Specs

Hours of Operation: Not Listed
Notes: None Listed
Zoo Hours:April 1 — Memo­r­ial Day Open for the sea­son 10 am — 4 pm Entrance gate closes at 3 pm Memo­r­ial Day — Labor Day 10 am — 5 pm Entrance gate closes at 4 pm Labor Day — Octo­ber31st 10 am — 4 pm Entrance gate closes at 3 pm Novem­ber 1– March 31 Closed for the season


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