White Oak Lavender Farm

White Oak Lavender Farm is owned and operated by Julie and Rick Haushalter in Harrisonburg, Va. This is in the beautiful Shenandoah Valley! We grow over 5000 lavender plants in over 30 varieties! We harvest our lavender to extract the essential oil and florasol through steam distillation and to dry the flowers for buds and bouquets.
Julie and Rick first experienced lavender farms in the pacific northwest when visiting family near Sequim, WA. They fell in love with the versatility of this amazing herb. Julie began growing lavender as a hobby on the farm and it wasn't long before she was making products for family and friends. Soon, Julie's parent's, Jim and Jessie Walton, volunteered to start pitching in to harvest and help make bundles for drying and "debudding" so that Jessie could begin sewing items such as lavender eye masks, neck wraps and lavender filled sock monkeys! It wasn't long until they were off to the Downtown Harrisonburg Farmer's Market to sell their products! White Oak Lavender can still be found as vendors at the market!
Now, the farm has expanded into an agri-tourism venue and is open to the public six days per week offering tours, lectures, classes, a petting area and a lovely lavender gift shop. Julie's parents still help behind the scenes and Jessie is the main seamstress. Jim and Jessie celebrated their 90Th birthdays with a big family reunion in 2011!
Julie connects deeply with lavender due to the relaxation and healing properties of lavender through aromatherapy and skin application. She has worked as a teacher and campus pastor in her career and desires to help counter the effects of stress on the quality of life for children and adults. Also, Julie's sister died from cancer and we feel that the cancer grew more aggressively, due to the amount of stress in her life at the time.
The combination of Julie's life experiences and career path has influenced her commitment to helping others become more aware of ways in which to manage the effects of stress on the body and spirit at White Oak Lavender Farm.
Our mission is to help you create a Lavender Lifestyle!
At White Oak Lavender Farm, we seek to offer both a relaxing farm experience and great lavender products! We are an agri-tourism venue in Rockingham County, VA that combines growing, harvesting, and processing lavender plants for the retail of value added products with a relaxing, interactive eco- friendly farm experience. We hope that visitors to our farm and website may gain an appreciation for small farm production and the benefits of the many uses of lavender. We desire to develop loyal customers who value a lifestyle that embraces the use of White Oak Lavender products!
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