Wyman Living History Museum

The Wyman Museum was founded by Lou Wyman. The dream started in 1949 in Elk Springs, Colorado. While Lou was filling up a water barrel for his sheep herders, he noticed an abandoned 1932 Lincoln. He paid $15.00 for it and has been collecting ever since.
The museum opened in August of 2006. The Wyman family has gathered an absolutely unique collection from throughout the west and beyond, giving museum guests an experience spanning one hundred years of American life, ingenuity and advancement. We guarantee there will be something you've never seen before!
There is a complete Colorado license plate collection. A premier chain saw collection. The chain saws range from 12 pounds to 200 pounds and blades that range from 1 to 5 feet long. This particular collection came from Robert Ouellette from East Long Meadow, Mass. He had a chainsaw repair shop and collected saws for years. He said that these saws might not have much money value but he had to keep them as curiosities. The barn in the back of the museum was brought to the museum property from Lou Wymans ranch.
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