Downtown Auburn

Come to Downtown Auburn and tour our historic museums and churches, browse our boutique retail shops, and enjoy a wide variety of dining and entertainment options and professional services.
Located in the heart of the beautiful Finger Lakes region of New York, Downtown Auburn is built on a long history of vibrant business activity dating back to the turn of the 19th century.
While celebrating this rich history, Auburn is forging a progressive future by being recognized as one of Central New York State's leading communities in the renewable energy revolution. From utilizing geothermal heating and cooling systems (which were engineered and manufactured at Auburn's very own McQuay International) in Downtown government buildings such as Memorial City Hall and the Auburn Police Station, to harnessing hydro power generated from the Owasco River that runs through the heart of Downtown, Auburn's leaders constantly explore avenues that offer smart solutions, helping its businesses grow and its residents prosper.
As the seat of government for Cayuga County, Downtown Auburn is the hub of business activity. In the Downtown Business Improvement District alone, over 200 retail, financial, food, entertainment and professional businesses and dozens of not-for-profit organizations and government agencies provide a variety of specialty products and services to the area. Auburn's economic development programs, many historic sites, walkable neighborhoods, and attractive streetscapes make it the ideal place to locate a family-owned or national business. Downtown Auburn, in particular, offers a work-life balance that provides a great place to shop, start a business, or live.
The Downtown Auburn BID strives to make Downtown Auburn a vibrant and attractive city center that residents can be proud of and that visitors are drawn to.
Downtown Auburn's success depends upon people being attracted to it and served well. An environment that serves their needs and interests is essential for success and should be the goal of a healthy Downtown Auburn.
The Downtown Auburn BID also acts as the liaison, providing an office for communication between its members and the City of Auburn as well as Cayuga County or any other entity that may have direct impact on Downtown Auburn.
The Downtown Auburn Business Improvement District (BID) is a membership organization of residents, business owners, property owners, not-for-profit organizations, and government entities. By means of research, advocacy, marketing, promotion, event planning and collaboration efforts, the BID is committed to enhancing the appearance, economic viability and quality of life of the community.
The Downtown Auburn Business Improvement District (BID) will serve as the primary organization by which its members will both strengthen and revitalize their own organizations and the Auburn community. The BID is committed to becoming a valuable resource by providing a wide variety of services including research, technical assistance, event planning, and advocacy. The BID will measure its success based on the extent to which it helps members find solutions to the challenges they face, provides opportunities for economic growth and prosperity, and improves the quality of life of the community it serves. Ultimately, by serving its members with excellence, the BID will contribute to making the City of Auburn among the most outstanding places to live in the nation.
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